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Found 10 items containing "burste"

Mike Burstein
Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen- Mike Burstyn
Various (Sara Gingold, Jenny goldstein, Pesach Burstein, David Kesler, etc.)
Songs From The Attic: Vol 1 - A Brievele De Mame
Burstein Family
Mein Shtetele Belz (Cast Recording) & Zug Es Mir Zingendik (Cast Recording)
Burstein Family
Di Freileche Kabtzonim (Cast Recordings) & Tate Hob Chasene (Cast Recording)
Mike Burstein, Lillian Lux
Wedding In Shtetl - Video
Various - Barry Sisters, Max Perlman, Feder Sisters, Shifra Lerrer, Mike Burstein, Israel Itzhaki an
Tanz Mit Mir - Yiddish Ballroom Dance - 2 CD Set
Original Cast (Yiddish) -Shmuel Rodensky (Fiddler) - The Mike Burstein Family (Megilla)
Fiddler On The Roof and The Megilla of Itzik Manger - Original Yiddish Cast - 2 CD Set
Mike Burstein, E. Reissa, A. Hoffman, Michael Albert, Ibi Kaufman
Yiddish Sing-A-Long - Lomir Ale Zingen - Video
Picture not available
Mike Burstein
Yiddish Concert In Jerusalem - Video
Burstein Family
A Chasene In Shtetel - Original Cast Recording

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