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Found 69 items containing "klezme"

Doyres - Traditional Klezmer Recordins 1979 -1994
Klezmer Conservatory Band
A Touch Of Klez!
(CD, Cassette)
Klezmer Conservatory Band
(CD, Cassette)
Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band
Klezmer! Jewish Music From Old World To Our World
Frank London's Klezmer Brass Allstars
Di Shikere Kapelye
Sruli & Lisa
Oy Vey! Chanukah - A Totally Klezmer Chanukah for Kids
(CD, Cassette)
Ensemble Klezmer
Live In Prag
Brandeis-Bardin International Klezmer Ensemble
Brandeis-Bardin International Klezmer Ensemble
Giora Feidman
Viva El Klezmer
Klezmer Conservatory Band
Dancing In The Aisles
Machaya Klezmer Band
Machaya Klezmer Band
The Andy Statman Klezmer Orchestra
Andy Statman Klezmer Orchestra
Klezmer Music - First Recordings: 1908-1927
Sruli & Lisa
Klezmer Dance Party
Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band
Israel Zohar
Israel Zohar Hosts A Klezmer Festival
Maxwell St. Klezmer Band
Maxwell St. Klezmer Days
(CD, Cassette)
Giora Feidman
Magic Of The Klezmer
Shteygers - New Klezmer Music 1991 - 1994
Giora Feidman
Klassic Klezmer
Pete Rushefsky & Elie Rosenblatt
Tsimbl un Fidl: Klezmer Music for Hammered Dulcimer & Violin
Margot Leverett
Margo Leverett & The Klezmer Mountain Boys
Alicia Svigals
Fidl:Klezmer Violin
Abe Schwartz
Abe Schwartz: The Klezmer King
Klezmer Music: A Marriage Of Heaven & Earth
Harry Kandel
Russian Sher - Master of Klezmer Music
Yale Strom & Klazzj
Wandering Jew; Klezmer, Sephardic, & Gypsy Inspired Compositions
Leon Schwartz
Like In A Different World - Klezmer Violin
Rolinha Kross Trio
Tsigayner Klezmer
Original Klezmer Jazz Band
Original Klezmer Jazz Band
Picture not available

Klezmer for The Sultan
Klezmer Conservatory Band
Yiddishe Renaissance
(CD, Cassette)
Sandra Layman
Little Blackbird - Klezmer, Roumanian, Greek, Turkish and Hungarian Music
Odessa Express
Odessa Express - Yiddish & Klezmer
Zev Feldman & Andy Statman
Jewish Klezmer Music
Joel Rubin Klezmer Band
Brave Old World
Khevrisa - featuring Zev Feldman and Steven Greenman
Khevrisa - European Klezmer Music
Dave Tarras
Yiddish-American Klezmer Music 1925-1956
The Andy Statman Klezmer Orchestra
Klezmer Suite
Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band
Naftule Brandwein
King Of The Klezmer Clarinet
Trio: Klezmer Accoustic Music
Jeff Warschauer
The Singing Waltz: Klezmer Guitar & Mandolin
Klezmer Conservatory Band
Dance Me To The End of Love
Dave Tarras
Dave Tarras - Master Of Klezmer Music
Amsterdam Klezmer Band
Mala Loka
Dave Tarras & The Abe Ellstein Orchestra
Klezmer Music
(CD, Cassette)
Klezmer Conservatory Band
Oy Chanukah!
Chicago Klezmer Ensemble
Sweet Home Bukovina
Metropolitan Klezmer
Yiddish For Travelers
Chicago Klezmer Ensemble
Early Recordings 1987 - 1989
Machaya Klezmer Band
What A Machaya!
Various - Brandwein, Budowitz, Di Naye Kapelye, Klezmatics, David Krakauer Trio, etc.
Klezmer - The Rough Guide To Klezmer
Maxwell St. Klezmer Band
Maxwell Street Wedding
(CD, Cassette)
Hollywood Klezmer
From L.A. To Odessa
Maxwell St. Klezmer Band
You Should Be So Lucky!
Picture not available
Giora Feidman and the Munich Philharmonic
Concert for the Klezmer
Giora Feidman
Art of the Klezmer and Long Live Giora (2LPs on 1CD)
Duo Peylet-Cuniot
Klezmer Music of Yesturday and Tomorrow
Abe Schwartz
National Hora - Master of Klezmer Music - Vol 2
Yikhes - Early Klezmer Recordings 1911 - 1939
Second Avenue Klezmer Band
For Our Mothers
Klezmer Conservatry Band
A Taste Of Paradise
Klezmer Conservatory Band
A Jumpin' Night In The Garden of Eden
Klezmer Conservatory Band
The Klezmer Conservatory Band Live!
New Orleans Klezmer Band
The Big Kibosh
Leopold Kozlowski
The Last Klezmer
Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band
The Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band - Aleph

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Hatikvah Music International / P.O. Box 48739 / Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: (323) 655-7083 / E-mail: KlezCorner@aol.com

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