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Found 62 items containing "za"

Zavel Kwartin
Zevulun Kwartin
Yehoram Gaon
Kazablan - Hebrew with English Subtitles
Haim Louk
Chazzan Haim Louk - Vol 2
David Broza
It's All Or Nothing
Ofra Haza
Shirey Moledet - Vol 3
Ofra Haza
Shirey Moledet - Songs of The Land - Vol 1 & Vol 2 (2 Lps on 1 Cd)
Marc Hazan
Tehilot Israel - Jewish Moroccan Music
Mir Trogn A Gezang
(CD, Music Book)
Zahava Seewald & Michele Baczynsky
Mosaic:Yiddish And Judeo-Spanish songs
Rosa Zaragoza
L'Esperit D'Al-Andalus
Mordechai Bouzaglo
Ot Shari Ratzon - Rosh Hashana & Yom Kipur : Nushach Moroccan & Yerushalayim
Ofra Haza
Yemenite Songs
Rosa Zaragoza
Canciones De Judios, Cristianos Y Musulmanes - Songs of The Jew, Christians, and Moslems
Ofra Haza
Ofra Haza
Ofra Haza
Rosa Zaragoza
Cancons Dels Jueus Catalans
Haim Louk
Chazzan Haim Louk - Vol 3
Duo Rei'm
Duo Rei'm (Tzamed Rei'm) - The Best Chassidic Songs
Ofra Haza
Ofra Haza Grestest Hits Vol. 2 (3 CD Box Set)
Picture not available
Mira Zakai, Uri Revah, Ofrah Hadad, others
Sepharad: The Music of the Jews from Spain
Shalom Tzabari
Shalom Tzabari Sings Traditional Yemenite Songs And Dances - Vol. 3
Vaious (Rika Zarai, Israel yitzchaki, Yossi Banai, etcl)
Artzeinu Ha K'Tantonet - Israeli Songs of The 50s
Shalom Tzabari
Shalom Tzabari Sings Traditional Yemenite Songs And Dances - Vol. 1
Yaacov Shapiro
Geshmakene Lider In Yiddish - Songs My Zayde Never Sang (For Adults)
Zawel Kwartin
At Prayer In The Synagogue
Shalom Tzabari
Shalom Tzabari Sings Traditional Yemenite Songs And Dances - Vol. 2
Paco Diez
Romanzas De Amor
Zawel Kwartin
Pearls Of Jewish Liturgical Music - Zawel Kwartin
(CD, Cassette)
Zawel Kwartin
Cantor Zawel Kwartin Sings His Best Cantorial Works
(CD, Cassette)
Adrienne Cooper and Zalmen Mlotek
Ghetto Tango - Wartime Yiddish Theater
Ofra Haza
Once Every 70 Years - A Cantorial Concert to Commemorate Zawel Kwartin DVD & Video
(CD, Video, DVD)
Gaon Gaon
Kazablan - Original Cast- In Hebrew
Various: Isobel Walters, Sol Meizels, Izak Gladstone, Masha Benya,etc.
Songs From The Attic: Sing Me a Melody, Yiddish Children Songs
Ofra Haza
Bayit Cham & Chai - 2CD Set
Jo Amar
Kasidah Yusef Hatzadik
Zamir Chorale of Boston
Salamone Rossi Hebreo:Baroque Music For The Synagogue and The Royal Court
Ofra Haza
Ofra Haza Greatest Hits (3 CD Box Set)
Zahava Seewald
Psamim: Ashkenaz Songs
Zawel Kwartin
Days Of Awe - Cantorial Pieces
(CD, Cassette)
Victoria Hazan
Todas Mis Esperansa - 1940s Recordings of Judeo-Spanish, Greek, & Turkish Songs
IB Various (Tova Ben Tzvi, Barry Sisters, Sara Gorbi, Aliza Azikri, Bronya Levas & more!)
Eshet Chayil: Women Singing Yiddish - Vol 1
Mira Zakai with The Tel Aviv Symphony and Choirs
Like The Leaden Sky - the Terezin Ghetto Remembered In Works by Israeli & Czech Composers
Herschel Bernardi
Evening With Herschel Bernardi (Chocolate Covered Matzah)
(CD, Cassette)
Efraim Di Zahav
Zikaron Larishonim
Ofra Haza
Haim Louk
Chazzan Haim Louk - Vol 1
Prince (Nathan) Nazazraff
Jewish Freilach Songs (Folkways Recording F-6809)
(CD, Cassette)
Geula Gill and Dov Seltzer with Tzabar Group
Israel Dances: Geula Gill and The Tzabar Group (Folkways Recording F-6935)
(CD, Cassette)

Ofra Haza - Songs For Children
Ofra Haza
My Soul
Molly Picon, E. Zayenda, M. Bozyk, M, Perlman
Mordechai Bouzaglo
Adon Haselichot
Reuben Perzarkar, Pinhas David Bhalkar, Benjamin Simon Dandekar, Levi Jacob
Eliyahoo Hanabee - The Musical Tradition of the Bene Israel of Bombay
Various: Ofra Haza, Ilanit, Moti Barkan, Tzila Dagan, etc.
Shirim Liktantanim - Songs For tots
Various (Adam Aston, Meczyseaw Foff, Stefan Witas, Chor Juranda, Jerzy Czaplicki, etc.)
Polskie Tango: Polish Tango 1929 -1939
David Bouzaglo
Chants Hebreux de la Tradition des Juifs Morocains
Yaakov Motzen
B'motzaei Menucha
Etty Ben-Zaken
Ladino Love Songs - The Bride Unfastens Her Braids, The Groom Faints
Lucy Gehrman, , Max Bozyk, Edmund Zayenda, Gertrude Bulman
A Brievele Der Mamme
Various (Savian Yannatou, Fortuna, Maurice El Medioni, Klezmatics, Ofra Haza, Sfatayim, etc.
The Hidden Gate - Jewish Music Around The World - 2 CD Set

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