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Charles Lowy
Cantor Charles Lowy: The Lost Recordings (Includes The Sheva B'rochos)

Order #: 01433
CANTOR CHARLES LOWY: THE LOST RECORDINGS Recorded over forty years ago, the selections include CVantor Lowy's celebrated Sheva B'rochos recorded at London's Hampstead Synagogue in 1960 during the wedding ceremony of Dudley Cohen, former choirmaster atHampstead and the Zemel Choir, as well as renditions of three compositions by the cantor's late grandfather Oberkantor Lazar Lowy(1858-1942), who served the community in Papa, North-West Hungary, as chief cantor for 40 years. Charles Lowy was born in Pressburg, Bratislava, in 1911. He studied in the yeshivot of Galanta and Tselem, finishing up at the renowned Chatam Sofer Yeshiva in Pressburg. In 1937, he took up an appointment at Munich's Reichenbach Synagogue, while studying music and voice production at the Trapp Conservatory.He subsequently became chief cantor in Szolnok, Hungary, and later served at Budapest's Rombach Synagogue, and as assistant chief cantor at the magnificent Dohany Street Synagogue. In 1947, after an arduous period of forced labour during the war, he was appointed cantor of the Queens Park Synagogue in Glasgow, Scotland (1947-1959), before joining the Hampstead Synagogue in London where he served as cantor for 28 years, retiring in 1987. He passed away in July 1998.
1.   V'seiorev (Lowy)
2.   Archeinu Kol Beis Yisroel (Lezar Lowy)
3.   V'shomru (Charles Lowy)
4.   Nos'u Nehoros Hashem (Charles Lowy)
5.   Keil Hahodo'os (Gutman)
6.   Mimkom'cho alkeinu (Charles Lowy)
7.   Kiddush For Shabbos (Linecky)
8.   Tikanto Shabbos
9.   Heyei Im Pifios (Lazar Lowy)
10.   Sheva B'rochos (Charles Lowy)

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