- Artist:
- Bente Kahan
- Title:
- Stimmen Aus Thereseinstad:Voices From Theresienstadt (SUNG IN GERMAN)
- Category:
- Yiddish
Order #:
The concentration camp Thereseinstat, was located in Czechoslovakia, forty miles north of Prague.The Nazis utilized Theresenstat as a model camp for visiting Red Cross inspections. This recording by noted Norwegian-Jewish actress, Bente Kahan, from herone woman show is based in part on songs composed by Ilse Weber (1903-1944) an inmate of the Camp. Other recordings by Miss Kahan, include "Yiddishkeit" a collection of Yiddish folk songs, and "Farewell Cracow: Yiddish Songs by Mordechai Gebirtig"
Tracks: |
1. Ich Wandre Dkurch Theresienstad
2. Als Ob
3. Ein Koffer Spricht
4. Blaue Stunde Im Kinderkrankenzimmer
5. Die Kartoffelschalerin
6. Brief An Mein Kind
7. Wir Reiten Auf Holzernen Pferden
8. Theresienstadter Kinderreim
9. Ich Bitte Nicht Lachen
10. Die Hungernden
11. Theresienstadter Fragen
12. Theresienstady-die Schonst Stadt der Welt
13. Theresienstadter Marsch
14. Wiegala